How does it work?

  • Sign up by filling out the sign up form on this web page.
  • We track all qualified purchases during the year.
  •  For all customers that purchase $250.00 or more during the year, their Rewards Dollars will equal 3% of their total qualified purchases.

What is my reward?

Every time your spending adds up to $250.00, you earn a credit of 3% to be used on a future purchase. That means you are saving 3% on everything you buy. When you sign-up for the LOYALTY Reward Program, you will receive:

  • Earnings of 3% on every purchase you make.
  • A free subscription to our e-newsletter, which contains featured products, swimming pool tips, helpful information, and much more!

About the Rewards

We track all your qualified purchases during the coming year.  At year end the program will tally your awards based on those purchases and a Rewards Dollars certificate will be mailed to your home.  For all customers that purchased $250.00 or more during the year, their Rewards Dollars will equal 3% of their total qualified purchases.  Once you receive your Rewards Dollars in the mail, you may use them at any store or on any service work you may need to schedule. All certificates will have an expiration date of 90 days after the issue date.

It’s Easy to Join!

You can join now online – or in-store. There are no fees or ongoing membership costs.

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